Lazy and Happiness

Lazy and Happiness

It was, and maybe it wasn't. Long time ago, Long ago there lived a Len. There is no other like it in the world. Once he had a dream, that he goes, is walking in the mountains, and on one of them his own Happiness awaits him. Without thinking long, he borrowed a mare from his neighbours, he sat bareback and went in search of Happiness.

He's already come a long way, and maybe not, when a lion blocks his way:

– Hello, Man, where are you coming from and where are you going?

– I am looking for my Happiness around the world – Len replied.

– My head hurts terribly, it doesn't stop for a day. Ask your Happiness, what can cure my infirmity – asked the lion.

– Okay, I will ask – Leń promised and moved on.

He wandered for a long time, until he came to a blooming orchard. An old man was the gardener there. Leo greeted him politely. The old man answered his greeting and proposed:

– If you want to rest, I will hold the reins of your horse.

– No, grandpa – Len replied. – I have set out to seek my Happiness, and I am in a great hurry.

– Ach, if so, I have a request for you. How would I not take care of my orchard, each year the fruit falls still in buds. Where is the cause, I have no idea. So ask your Happiness about it.

– Okay, I will ask – Leń promised and moved on.

He came to the river. He watches, and here is the fish, sticks his head out of the water.

– Man, where are you from and where are you going? – he asks.

– I went in search of Happiness – Len replied.

– I feel a great weight in my stomach, that I cannot get up.

be a friend, learn from your Happiness, what is this affliction and how can I get rid of it.

– Okay, I will ask.

He said goodbye to Leń and went on. He came to a huge city. A young girl was in charge there. But she has been losing weight for several years, her face turned yellow. No medicine or the wisdom of the sages helped. Inhabitants of this stronghold of every traveler, who came from afar, led to the girl with hope, what if the foreigner knows a miracle cure for this strange disease. Jeno Leń crossed the city gates, they stop him and take him to the palace. The girl greets Lenia:

– Where does your road lead?, glory?

– I'm going for my happiness.

– Do me a favour. Ask Happiness, what is the cure for my affliction.

Leń reached the end on a small hill. "Assume it's the same place, which I saw in a dream" – he thought. He tied the horse, sat down and waited for Happiness. And it stands before him as if on cue.

– you have arrived? – he asks.

– how! – Len was happy.

– if so, take it to the start, and then you will receive the rest of the treasure.

And puts Happiness in front of him a little chest. Lazy chest pulled to himself and speaks:

– O, My happiness! On my way to you, I met a lion suffering from a headache. He asked for advice, how can it be healed. And then the road led through the orchard, the gardener asked, Why do fruit buds die?. I met another fish. It pinches and crushes the weight in her belly and she wants to know, how can i get rid of it. And it's very close to the city, ruled by a girl with a yellow and emaciated face. No doctor can cure her. You can help her?

Lenia's happiness listened and said:

– The girl will recover, when she gets married. The belly of the fish is filled with pearls and corals, you just have to get them out of there. The trees in the orchard do not bear fruit, because under their roots is silver and gold. And the lion must eat the lazy fool – then he will recover.

Happiness said it and went. Lazy opens the trunk, with gold and silver in it, and royal clothes. He dressed up beautifully, he strapped the trunk to the saddle and set off on his way back. He entered the city, where the young ruler lived.

– Have you asked about the cause of my infirmity?? – he turns to Leni.

– how! you will recover, when you get married.

– Marry me as a reward for your help. I'll give you the rule of the city.

– No, I can't – Lay on it. – What's up your city.

And he went on. He met a fish.

– Did Happiness tell you, how can i get rid of the burden? -she asked.

– You are filled with pearls and corals. Someone has to get them out of you.

– So get off your horse. Take this wealth, and you will bring me relief.

– I don't have time. Even greater riches lie ahead.

And he went on. He met the gardener.

– you found out, why is there no fruit in my orchard? – the old man asks.

– how! There is gold and silver under the roots of the trees. dig them up, and the garden will bear fruit.

– I am old, I can't. help me, and I will share with you.

– No, even greater riches ahead. I'm not going to be petty.

He said it and drove away. He came to this place at last, where a sick lion was waiting for him.

– you asked, Man, what is my salvation?

– I asked. you will recover, as soon as you eat a lazy fool.

– Has anyone else asked you for a favor besides me??

– And yes. I met a gardener not far from here. In his orchard, there is gold and silver under the roots of the trees. If they are dug up, then the trees will bear fruit. Next, I came across a fishery filled with corals and pearls. Gotta grab those valuables, a dozna ulgi. Then I wandered into town, ruled by a young ruler. She was tormented by an unknown affliction, Marriage can cure her.

-And you didn't marry her? – asked the lion.

– No, I didn't get married.

-And you did not get out of the belly of the fish of corals and pearls?

– And why do I need it?? Unprecedented riches await me.

– Oj, stupid, ty, stupid! And lazy! I see, that you are the wonderful driakwia* for my illness.

He ate Lenia the lion and immediately recovered.

Lazy people always end up badly, even in fairy tales.

* Dryakiew – soothing ointment.