Fun in the countryside

Fun in the countryside.

There are also excellent conditions for practicing physical activities. Any terrain unevenness encourages you to test your strength and dexterity. The child tries to climb up and down each incline, descend to the bottom of wide ditches and depressions, jump through narrow grooves, walk over footbridges and fences, crawl under a low-hanging branch, jump over small bushes. It searches for all sorts of obstacles with pleasure, to face them, try to beat them. and then be able to say about yourself with confidence: I can do it!

The sand encourages construction play. A preschooler not only sets up a whole row of more and more shapely and successful grandmothers, but also does excavations, raises hills, makes gardens, sticking twigs and plants. He already knows, that a plant moved to the sand, even if you dig it up by the root, will soon be wasted, however, he still repeats his experiences with a glimmer of hope, maybe this time it will work.

Games of older children are extremely rich and varied in rural conditions, and especially boys. They like to build in the forest, away from adults, imaginative wigwams and huts, where they stay all day playing Indians and stalking. They make headdresses and quivers, bows and other accessories. They practice throwing at the target with enthusiasm, jumping, runs. They build dams and harbors over the water, which they fill with a fleet made of bark or pieces of wood. On the sandy beach they erect fortified fortresses, defensive castles and other wonders. Floats are tied with reeds.

Girls' games are generally poorer and less interesting than boys'. They like to weave wreaths of wildflowers, they make various ornaments from grasses and reeds, the fruits of the forest thread like corals. Like boys, they like to build sand structures, they artfully decorate them with colorful pebbles and shells. They like to collect large cones in the forest, curiously curved roots, sticks, branches. They also try to practice their fitness, though they do so with less zeal and less perseverance than boys. They are happy to organize activities for younger children.

A lot of school children like to observe nature: plants, insects, birds. It is worth providing a child with a special interest in nature with a magnifying glass and binoculars. The latter is admittedly quite expensive, but it makes the observations much more attractive and enriching. It is difficult, for example, to watch birds sitting in the nest and taking care of their little ones without binoculars. It is therefore worth making such an expense and showing interest in the observations made by the child.