Contacts with nature

Contacts with nature.

Contact with nature as often as possible is necessary for every human being, but they are especially important for the child. They stimulate his physical and mental development. For a child raised in a big city, they provide completely new information, experiences, impressions. While in the countryside, not in a fashionable children's spa, the child has the opportunity to observe domestic animals and birds, known to him only from pictures in books. Can observe colorful butterflies, ladybugs, bees buzzing around the hive. See, how carrots grow, radish, lettuce, strawberries or raspberries, which has so far seen only on a plate. The child's hearing experience is also enriched. He learns to recognize the voices of animals and birds. In one word, his knowledge of the surrounding world is expanding incredibly.

For baby, which is probably already going, a walk around the farmyard is a real pleasure. Watching domestic birds, psu, court, makes little pigs a lot of fun. A walk in the woods is also a new experience. After all, it walks completely differently on soft moss or dry forest litter rustling underfoot than on smooth, gravel park alley. Walking along a forest path, You need to be careful, so as not to get in the way of a root sticking out of the ground, don't stumble, not fall. You always have to overcome the unevenness of the terrain. And I try hard, in these new ones, difficult conditions, where every step hides an obstacle, To maintain balance.

And what a wonderful field to observe such a walk gives! There's always something worth noting: stick, piece of bark, cone, inconspicuous red mushroom, handsome, colorful toadstool, flower, a couple of wild strawberries, butterfly, bumblebee, ladybug. Sometimes an agile lizard scurries out from under your feet. Sometimes a squirrel will run from tree to tree.

Even the first walks in the forest are an opportunity for this, to get the child used to respecting nature. So we will teach them, that you should not mindlessly knock over mushrooms with your leg, pluck even the most beautiful flower, because after a few moments it will wither and become ugly. We will look at the anthill we meet from a distance, but we won't poke it with a stick.

The stump left over from a felled tree is a great place to play. You can sit on it and relax for a while, seat a doll or a teddy bear. Climb up with your legs and jump down with the help of an adult. A tree lying on the ground creates much richer possibilities for fun. Just sit astride it, to travel far in your imagination: horseback riding, travel by train or car, soar high in an airplane. two-, a three-year-old can try, under adult supervision, walk over the tree and use it to jump down to the ground.

Countless times a child can climb a hill encountered on the way, then run away from him so quickly, how much strength he has. We will hold a small child in our outstretched arms, standing at the foot of the hill. The preschooler can slow down on his own. Such fun gives the child a lot of satisfaction, gives a feeling of strength, satisfaction with one's own performance. And if, in addition, the child hears from the mother, father or grandmother encouragement and recognition, will try to get even better results, to make them happy, to deserve praise, and to gain confidence: I know something well.

Playing in the sand on the shore of a lake or a small river is not the same, like in a city sandbox. You can not only make hills, dig grooves, but also stick feathers (with hope, a bird will grow up), twigs, sticks, plants and other trophies, there are so few in the city. How many new ones, contact with water provides a child with interesting and useful experiences. "Big" water of a lake or river.