

A long time ago there lived a man named Kelew. One time his wife gave him money and says:

– You will go to the fair, you buy oil.

He took dried Kelew, empty gourd*, he got on his donkey and went to the fair. He bought oil, returns home, but he was tired, decided to rest. He got off the donkey, he put the gourd with the oil on the ground and began to meditate, what to tie the donkey to. It was empty all around, not a bush, nor weed, even the smallest. The gourd caught his eye, He was overjoyed and tied the donkey to the neck of the gourd.

"How inventive and smart I am" – he thought as he lay down on the ground.

And the donkey, like a donkey, he stayed a little calm, then he cocked his tail up, roared and how he would not go ahead. And the gourd trails behind him. Kelew gave chase. But the donkey runs farther and farther. And the gourd jumps on the hills, until it suddenly jumped harder and shattered into tiny pieces. The donkey was completely out of sight. What was there to do? Kelew went in search. He met a man and asks:

– You haven't seen my donkey?

When spoken to, he understood, that he has a weirdo in front of him, and decided to make fun of him.

– I saw – she said.

– Where?

– He's in the palace now, he was chosen for each**.

Without thinking for a long time, Kelew went to the kadi's palace. He grabbed him, dragged him out into the street and screamed:

– Come on! let's go!

People seeing a fight, they have encircled Kelew and Kadi, and they ask curiously :

– Fat, where are you taking him??

– To home! It's my donkey. I tied him to a gourd of oil, and he ran away. The gourd shattered, oil spilled. I can't lose him either. – He told Kelew his story and called out to the stunned kadi again: – Oh no, hurry up!

Kadi didn't know, what to do. People were laughing, and Kelew drove him. "Better buy him out" – he thought and paid for the donkey, oil and gourd.

He took Kelew's money and went home. But one of Kadi's confidants wasted his money:

– This freak would get so much money? No, you have to get them out of there somehow.

He overtook Kelew, he sat on the road and eats watermelon, and placed the other beside him. Kelew was thirsty, he ate a piece of watermelon.

– Tasty – she said.

– And the second one is even tastier – says the scammer. – Therein, in addition, the foal is still growing up.

– How much is this watermelon? – Kelew asks.

– The same, what about the donkey.

"What a profitable deal – Kelew thought. – I will eat delicious and sweet, and I will bring home a horse instead of a donkey”.

He bought a watermelon, and the deceiver advises him on his way:

– Don't cut it open, until you come home, because your foal will run away.

She carries the Kelew watermelon carefully, like a jug full of water, until he stumbled. The watermelon fell out of his hands, it hit the ground and broke. A rabbit was sleeping right there. The crackling of a watermelon woke him up and a hare in the legs.

"After all, my foal is running away" – Kelew thought.

he sighed, he sighed and headed home. His wife saw him and asked:

– Where's the oil?

Kelew na to:

– Stupid woman, My foal ran away, and you have oil in your head.

And he told the whole story. The wife listened, she nodded and said:

– That fate also brought me together with such a fool.

* Dried, an empty gourd is used as a vessel, where the oil is stored.

** Kadi – muslim judge.